
Heyyyy... ((;

Hey. Long time no ABC. Sorry my bad ):

I've been so tired and lazy, 'cause I become sick on Sunday, (now is Friday) and I'm still sick... I was on Monday and Tuesday at home, but I promised to my friends that I come to school on Wednesday, so I did go to school then, and my parents think that I'm not sick anymore... I just don't want to be at home anymore.. I want to be with my friends!!

Today when I wake up I understund that I've lost my voice. Seriously I couldn't say anything. My friends didn't knew what I try to tell to them so I wrote everything on paper but you know that was really slow way to tell my felings etc. In the afternoon i've get my voice little bit back, but it was still really raspy. My friends said that I sound like a boy when I talked :D Hope "I get my voice back" tomorrow ((;

I was shopping with my friends today. I buyed marshmallows (0,50€), chocolate(1,80€) and black headband with bow (3,90€). I haven't use anything like that before, but I think it's kinda cute ((: My friends buyed same headband ((;

Now I have to go to bed. I have to wake up tomorrow at 6:30am, time is 10:50pm now, I haven't washed my teeth yet, and I'm so tired. Sorry no pictures today, I can show picture of my headband on next post (;

Bye, sleep well and have a great week everyone (;
