


Like I told, I don't have my own computer now 'cause it's on fixing, so it means no pictures on this post ):: Sorry guys!

I was bored so I decided to write here a bit...

FIRST: I'm some sick again... I left from school today at 11am, even my schoolday ended really at 1pm. I felt so cold and tired... Teachers said that I'm maybe becoming sick, so they let me go to home. They said I look really sick ::D 
Now I'm better. I've been just on computer, but it's not really cold anymore. I just have to rest, so I don't come sick really... 

Yesterday I pre-ordered Britney Spears upcoming album Femme Fatale from Finnish site called Femme Fatale has been there couple weeks already, but I tought that I'm not gonna order it yet.. I knew there is gonna be deluxe edition too, and I wanted it. So, I waited, and yesterday I noticed that I can pre-order the deluxe editon of Femme Fatale. Now I can't wait that I get it (femme fatale will be released 29th of March, so I think I'll get maybe next week..)

on Britney Spears official website they have been uploading short teasers from Femme Fatale's songs. You can listen them all *here*. Some of her songs have been leaked too, but today I decided not to listen Femme Fatale's songs at all before it's released. Wish me luck, it's gonna be hard!

We need to do a presentation on school. We can do it about anything we just want. I do it about Britney (suprise!!). It has to be ready next Thursday... I'm gonna be busy girl... I want it to be really good, but I haven't done it at all yet really. You can wish me luck with that too (;;

Butt... I think I have to eat something.. Byee!

: Nina-


Winter in Finland part 2

Hello (::

This is part 2.. so you can see more pictures (:: 

Here isn't text in this post really, 'cause I don't know what to write... I told you everything I wanted really in last post. But if you wanna ask sommething, go ahead (;;

Our Neighbour's snowman
Our snowman ::D

My house (::

I saw a rainbow once ::O I had never seen rainbow in winter before

Sun is shining. about 3pm o'clock

Maybe this pic tells how much snow here is!

And this one (; It's me and my friend

And my other friend (::

...This doesn't show the full pic for some reason... Click it if you wanna see the full picture (;

That's it (: Hope you liked it.

Loveya: Nina-


Winter in Finland part 1

I decided to post you random pictures of Finland's winter. I've took them all myself (:

I hate winter, but I can't deny that it's beautifull when everything is white (;;

(my school)

Winter is kinda long here... first snow comes at october maybe, and it's normal that here is snow still on April.

Here is really dark in winter too. I took this pic at 3:00pm

my yard (;

Here is really cold too. Like in this pic, here is -22 or -23. Sometimes it's over -30, but sometimes it's just -5 or something like that. We don't have snowday:s in Finland. We have to go to school, no matter how cold is, or how much snow here is. I think it's pretty unfair.

So, this was part 1, 'cause my computer doesn't work well, and my dad said he'll take it to fixing, so I didn't have time to upload more pics this time... Dad said it's gonna take about 2 weeks that I get my computer back )::

Okay, nothing more for this time. Byee!

<3: Nina-